Sunday, June 24, 2012

My Action Research Plan

Action Research Plan
This study will focus on the benefits of using a instant response system to gauge learning in the 6th grade science classroom. 
How will using a clicker system to gauge the level of understanding of newly presented material impact knowledge level of 6th grade science students and teacher proficiency of time and resources.

•           Goals and objectives/outcomes of the research investigation
To gauge how many of the students understand new material.
To gauge the depth of understanding among students.
To use the feedback to answer any unresolved questions the students may be having.
To gauge the effectiveness of the method of presentation and to have a better idea of where remediation is needed, and where different teaching methods need to be implemented.

•           Activities designed to achieve the objectives
The primary activity is to develop TEKS based questions with STARR level rigor that will be inserted at various intervals in lessons that the students will answer with their clickers.  The program provides instant feedback to the teacher and the class, as the teacher sees fit, as to who and how many students answered correctly.

•           Resources and research tools needed for data gathering
For initial research the internet will be used as well as educational and other peer reviewed journal articles that research such questions.
The instant response system and student feedback will be the ultimate source of data to be considered in the process of this study.

•           Draft timeline for completion or implementation of activities
This study will be conducted over the period of the first semester of school 2012, August through December.

•           Persons responsible for implementation of the action research plan
As the classroom teacher I will be responsible for the implementation of this action research plan.
•           Process for monitoring the achievement of goals and objectives
The data will be collected and in the program itself, as well as charted by me according to each lesson so that those that are more successful than others can be seen.  This will be accomplished through the CPI program and on an Xcel spreadsheet as well as a journal kept by me.
•           Assessment instrument(s) to evaluate the effectiveness of the action research study
In addition the above stated data will be cross referenced with daily bell ringers as well as the unit test for each unit.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Speaking of action research I have narrowed my plan down to the following I wonder how a more fully developed use of an instant response system in my science classroom will improve student learning. I hope that by using the clickers to evaluate learning of newly introduced material will give me better feedback as to the understanding that the students have.  I also plan to use them more fully to evaluate specific learning objectives that need to be improved upon.  I look forward to doing more research in this area and seeing how it works out. If anyone has any further experience or suggestions please feel free to let me know. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012


For the past few weeks I have been learning about a process called action research.  Dana (2009) and Ringler (2007) describe action research as the process whereby a teacher, principal or superintendent, individually or together take time to reflect on their practice in their particular field and decide on a "wondering" or a question about an area in their field of responsibility which could use improvement.  The then define and refine the question so that it is manageable, and open ended so that it may be answered in a way which will be defined by researching possible solutions to the problem and settling on an appropriate course of action. 

After resting on a good question or “wondering”, research is done to identify possible courses of action to take in resolving the question at hand.  This step is necessary because it opens the researcher up to new ideas that he or she may not have come up with on their own.  It also connects them to others in their field who have faced the same problem and also leads one to better collaborative decisions.  

After sifting through the various options, a plan of action is then engaged by them personally in their classroom or administrative duties.  Upon completion, time is taken to reflect on the action research project and decide if it has been a successful endeavor. Then, of course, one needs to share the experience, their research, with others so that they may learn.


I believe that blogs can be an important part of an educational leader’s routine.  Blogging gives a person to the opportunity to set their ideas before a larger audience.  When I write on my blog, people who are next door, or thousands of miles away can instantly read my thoughts on any particular subject that I may be blogging about. 

In public education in the United States, we each have our own unique state requirements as well as district requirements but all of us are bound by federal requirements which, for the most part, drive education.  This is a venue whereby we as educators can support each other and learn from each other by creating a community that is not bound by distance, states or local districts. Blogs are a forum where likeminded individuals can come together to share ideas, support others, and collaborate in an effort to become better leaders.

Ringler, M. (2007) Action Research an Effective Instructional Leadership Skill for Future Public School Leaders. Journal of Scholarship and Practice, 4(1), 27-42.

Dana, N. F. (2009). Chapter 1 Administrator Inquiry Defined. Leading With Passion and     Knowledge: The Principal as Action Researcher, Kindle Locations 247-757. Corwin Press. [Kindle Edition]